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Our Approach

Our approach centres around four basic principles from which all our other work and programmes spring.


Read about each of these four programmes and the activities that fall under each of them below.

Safeguarding and Wellbeing


We have a holistic approach to safeguarding and well-being incorporating both physical safety and emotional safety. We have designed our programme with an understanding that survivors of trafficking, who have often been through several trauma and unique experiences that they can’t share with their families, have difficulty finding places where they feel safe. 

Our well-being activities focus on encouraging survivors to live a lifestyle where they prioritize taking care of their bodies and their minds. Activities like group therapy, yoga, and art therapy are designed based on personal preference, symptoms and culture. Our approach is grounded on healing in the community and building resilience both as an individual and as part of a collective.


Economic Justice and Self-Determination


Our approach to economic justice focuses on long term vulnerability for our survivor leaders. Most survivors face a huge challenge navigating long term recovery and reintegration into the community and ensuring that they have the ability to take care of themselves. Our focus is to work with survivors, the private sector and the community in general to create opportunities for survivors and will also look at addressing systemic barriers that prevent survivors from achieving full economic agency. 


Survivor Leadership and Advocacy


We believe that survivors' voices and expertise should be at the core of the counter-trafficking movement not just as beneficiaries but as leaders. We encourage, nurture and build leadership skills for survivors to be leaders in the movement. We are creating a community for survivors to feel safe, express themselves, recover and ultimately become advocates themselves. 


Our vision is to work with survivors to ensure that they are responsible for driving the agenda not only in our programming but also in educating and steering the areas of improvement in the movement.


Knowledge Production and Sharing

We recognise that the sector that we work in has very few predecessors in this field of survivor leadership within the counter-trafficking movement and that the work we are doing is pioneer work that lays the ground for future survivor leaders. We are  committed to documenting and critically examining and re-examining our approaches.

We engage survivors as researchers, consultants and experts and also teach other organisations.


The ways in which our approaches, values, and vehicle intersect to reach our mission is visualised in our Theory of Change.

Click here to open it.




If you wish to support Azadi and beautiful and wonderful women with lived experience of human trafficking, please donate through the link below.

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